Save Our Planet - Start From Your Neighborhood_ 5 Ways

 “Save” is an interesting word choice, especially considering that many people think that we are beyond saving after the environmental devastation we have put Earth through thus far. However,  I believe that every little bit counts and that we can still make this planet a beautiful place, and hopefully save its creatures from impending disappearing. The choices we each make today are important.

     1. Tell Others What You Know

Often, when people are damaging the environment, it is because they don’t have the facts, or haven’t considered a particular course of action. Share this list with your friends – if each of them takes on board just one point, the effect could be immense. And if they share it on too, think of the mass chain reaction.Let’s work together to make the world a better place.

   2. Use Non-Chemical De-Icers

Most people use ice melters to clear the sidewalks after a big storm. These contain harmful chemicals and should be avoided. Similarly, salt based products can be harmful to pets and could end up contaminating drinking water. Always look for a pet-safe, non-chemical de-icer.

3. Don’t Use Coffee Stirrers

Every year, 138 billion straws and stirrers are thrown away in the USA. Don’t use these stirrers. Not only are they wasteful and bad for the environment, they are a waste of money. Use a spoon to stir your coffee, then simply wash and reuse it.

        4. Don’t Use Plastic Carrier Bags

Plastic carrier bags are not biodegradable, nor are they recyclable. They sit in landfills where they often end up polluting the ocean and infiltrating food sources. Use a stronger, reusable bag.

                              5. Become a vegetarian.

 I know this seems extreme, but it isn’t as hard as you might think. Vegetarians have far fewer health problems than meat-eaters, and live longer lives. Vegetarian athletes have been proven to out-perform their meat-eating competitors, and most of the nutrients our bodies need can be found in their most efficient forms in their non-meat sources. How much pollution and waste is created because of meat farming and production? The short answer: A LOT. And in case you need another reason, most meat production is extremely inhumane. Research ‘ag-gag’ laws if you need convincing. A vegetarian diet is healthier for you, the planet, and kinder to animals that meat production has disconnected you from. Fake meat products are more delicious than ever now, too. I know there are many people who cannot or won’t become vegetarians, but it is worth considering. Even eating less meat will help reduce demand.


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